Hundreds of Successful Students Since 1985
CT Day School for students in grades 2–12
Since our founding in 1985 Ben Bronz Academy has changed students’ lives. We continually test and evaluate each student’s progress. With the array of intensive, individualized interventions we employ in language, decoding, comprehension, mathematics, and writing, Ben Bronz Academy has been successful in helping hundreds of students learn and succeed academically despite their learning disabilities.
Every academic year Ben Bronz Academy students demonstrate strong academic progress in reading, math, writing, and other academic areas. Here are statistics that represent our typical yearly results:
- 100% of students gained at least one year’s growth in reading
- 74% of students gained more than one year of growth in reading
- 88% of students gained at least one year’s growth in math
- 63% of students gained more than one year of growth in math84% of students gained at least one year’s growth in writing
- 72% of students gained more than one year of growth in writing

The Academy students’ success goes beyond their academic achievements. After a few months at Ben Bronz Academy students demonstrate:
- Renewed excitement about learning and an eagerness to learn more
- Greater independence in completing school work successfully
- A more positive self-image
- Much less anxiety and frustration at school and at home
- A higher level of self-confidence
Average and above average students who have dyslexia or other similar learning disabilities learn in small classes of 3-10 students with constant interaction with the mediator (teacher).
At Ben Bronz Academy students learn how to learn. They build the basic skills required for thinking, learning, and academic success. They receive immediate teacher feedback when they engage in tasks that help them learn. All Academy mediators know the educational needs of each student and they work together to help students overcome areas of difficulty and gain academic success.
You Opened The Door So Joy Could Come Into His Life
How do you describe what it feels like to see your child thrive for the first time since they were very little? How do you describe how wonderful the people are at his school who patiently, day after day, receive him in whatever mood he’s in, partner with him through the days – good and bad – all the while pushing him just enough to bring a taste of success into his world. There is no denying it. You opened the door so that joy could come into his life.“
– Judy Reilly